Friday, September 4, 2020

Traits of the Hero Essay Example For Students

Attributes of the Hero Essay HerculesTheseusJasonBirth/Childhood?Son of Zeus and his human mother, Alcmene. ?Sibling is Iphicles. ?Hera was continually attempting to slaughter him.?Son of the Athenian King, Aegeus. ?Gone through his youth with his mom in southern Greece. We will compose a custom exposition on Traits of the Hero explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now ?As far as anyone knows lived age before. ?Child of ruler Aeson. Character Flaws?Loses control of himself when irate. ?Blended personalities?Forgot to raise the white banner when he voyaged home from Crete so his dad thought he was dead and he executed himself. ?ForgetfulnessJourney/Quest?To complete the 12 works so as to apologize for slaughtering his family and others doled out to him by Eurystheus. ?Went with Jason on the journey for the Golden Fleece. ?He went to Crete to be one of the penances however he intended to murder the Minotaur. ?Prevailing by choking the mammoth. ?Additionally went with Jason on the journey for the Golden Fleece.?To get the Golden Fleece over from Colchis and King Aetes. Tests/TrialsThe Twelve Labors:? The Nemean Lion? Lernean Hydra? Cerynitian Hind? Erymanthian Boar? Pens of Augeas? Stymphalian Birds?Cretan Bulls?Mares of Diomedes? Belt of Hippolyte? Steers of Geryon? Apples of Hesperides?The Hound of Hades.?Being ready to roll away the stone to get to the blade and shoes. ?Managing judgment to the crooks who hurt individuals going by the road.?Get through the Clashing Rocks. ?Lord Aetes made Jason face bronze feet, fire breathing bulls in the Trial of Courage. ?Whirlpool of Charybdis. ?Phineas and the Harpies. Aides/Helpers?Athena helped through a large number of the Labors. ?Ariadne and Daedalus helped Theseus escape the Labyrinth.?Medea baited the snake to rest so Jason could get the Fleece. ?The entirety of the Argonauts (Hercules, Orpheus, etc.)Special Objects?Nemean Lion skin?Sword and shoes that he was granted with when he moved the boulder.?Argo (transport they voyaged on)Positive Qualities?Extreme strength?Protection of poor people and defenseless?Peaceful aside from when he is fightingSigns of Success ?He finished the twelve works. ?Crushing the Minotaur and ready to discover out of the maze. ?Finishing the excursion out and about managing judgment to the bandits.?He accomplished ownership of the Golden Fleece. ?Had the option to arrive at the Golden Fleece.

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